⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
À partir de 9766$
Sylvain Cauchon 22-12-2016
I received these tires with the purchase of a 2016 elantra. The tires are 195/65-15 on steel rims. I have been very happy with them. The compound grips very well in cold conditions and deep snow. The noise from the tires is minimal and the car retains all the steering feel of the original 4 season tires.
Manufacturier | Dunlop |
Cloutable | non |
Saison | Hiver |
Sylvain Cauchon 22-12-2016
I received these tires with the purchase of a 2016 elantra. The tires are 195/65-15 on steel rims. I have been very happy with them. The compound grips very well in cold conditions and deep snow. The noise from the tires is minimal and the car retains all the steering feel of the original 4 season tires.