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⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
À partir de 17400$
Roger 28-01-2021
I've had these tires for 1.5 years now. I do really like them. I have found them to be very good in the snow and pretty good on ice. In the summer I never really thought about them so I guess that's good. My only complaint is that they may be a little loud, not bad, but just a little more noticeable than other tires I have had. I have already decided to buy these again when the time comes as they are solid in winter and I hate switching tires for the summer and winter.
claude 20-09-2018
excellent hiver comme ete bon choix pour les snowbirds
stephen 08-03-2018
Nice tire...has excellent wear and is great in winter conditions here in the maritimes. Installed on a Ford Edge I have been very happy with them. Just slightly noisier than I had hoped, but still a pretty quiet tire.
Mario D 12-11-2017
Silencieux Bonne tenue de route Très satisfait
Manufacturier | Toyo |
Cloutable | non |
Saison | 4 saisons |
Roger 28-01-2021
I've had these tires for 1.5 years now. I do really like them. I have found them to be very good in the snow and pretty good on ice. In the summer I never really thought about them so I guess that's good. My only complaint is that they may be a little loud, not bad, but just a little more noticeable than other tires I have had. I have already decided to buy these again when the time comes as they are solid in winter and I hate switching tires for the summer and winter.
claude 20-09-2018
excellent hiver comme ete bon choix pour les snowbirds
stephen 08-03-2018
Nice tire...has excellent wear and is great in winter conditions here in the maritimes. Installed on a Ford Edge I have been very happy with them. Just slightly noisier than I had hoped, but still a pretty quiet tire.
Mario D 12-11-2017
Silencieux Bonne tenue de route Très satisfait