⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*

⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*


À partir de 6927$

  • Bande de roulement directionnelle conçue pour affronter les pires conditions hivernales.
  • Larges rainures offrant une tenue de route supérieure autant sur les routes enneigées que glacées.
  • Pneu d'hiver au prix absolument imbattable.
  • Bande de roulement directionnelle conçue pour affronter les pires conditions hivernales.
  • Larges rainures offrant une tenue de route supérieure autant sur les routes enneigées que glacées.
  • Pneu d'hiver au prix absolument imbattable.
Le IceBlazer WSL2 de Sailun est un pneu hiver performance qui offre une excellente traction sur la neige, la gadoue et sur chaussée mouillée par temps froid, tout en offrant une conduite silencieuse et confortable sur les routes sèches. L'utilisation intensive de matériaux respectueux de l’environnement répondant aux exigences européennes de REACH qui font des produits plus soucieux de l'environnement. Grâce à ses larges rainures circonférentielles, le IceBlazer WSL2 évacue plus efficacement la neige, l'eau et la gadoue, tout en vous offrant des performances remarquables sur la chaussée glacée. Des composés spécialement formulés et une technologie de dispersion avancée maintiennent la souplesse du caoutchouc pour une performance maximale par temps très froid, améliorant la sécurité et la manipulation dans les conditions hivernales. Le IceBlazer WSL2 de Sailun vous permettra de rouler en toutes conditions climatiques.  

Avis client Ajouter un avis

Sylvain L 29-11-2024

Un pneu surprenant au niveau de ses performances sur neige et la glace. Un excellent rapport qualité/prix. Les moins, très très bruyant et à plus de 110km/h il y a une vibration provenant des pneus.

Véhicule : Kia Forte 2024 EX | KM Parcouru : 3000 | Style de conduite : Facile | Condition de conduite : Ccmbinaison autoroute et route de ville

PETER CHANG 15-11-2021

i've had 2 sets of the Sailun WSL2 tires. 1st on a 2006 Jetta TDI, then on a 2015 Golf TDI. They both are the same tire size. Each set was used for about 30-40K km of winter driving before being replaced. Never went off the road, got stuck, or hit anything while driving with theses tires... Sure, I had a few pucker moments, but I was probably overdriving the conditions. They are a good tire for a good price. My current set has ~32K km on them, and about 5/32" tread left. I will likely look to replace them sometime this winter if I notice I am slipping more than I am comfortable with. If the current set makes it to the spring, I will likely just run them in the spring until the tread is done. I will likely buy them again in 2021 unless something comparable/cheaper catches my eye.

Véhicule : Volkswagen Golf 2015 Comfortline TDI | KM Parcouru : 64 | Style de conduite : Moyenne | Condition de conduite : Autoroute surtout

Aswin 08-04-2021

Similar to the other comments, I was originally super skeptical cause of the price of these tires. Got me thinking it may not be a set of Michelin's or Goodyears. I love winter driving and pushing my car to the limit I have a 2013 Civic Si. Man I did not expect these to be as good as they were for the price. In the dry they corner so well, and in the snow they're holding on to the traction. Unless I wanted to lose traction I never did otherwise. Lesson learned don't judge a tire from its price.

Véhicule : Honda Civic 2013 Si | Style de conduite : Fouguese | Condition de conduite : Ccmbinaison autoroute et route de ville

Sandeep Masuta 17-01-2018

I have an 09 M3, and was skeptical when I saw these for $450ish on this website. Did some research on the company and youtube review and decided to bite the bullet. Let me just go out there and say, I'm a huge car enthusiast and attend track events through the year, and I'm also extremely selective on parts that I put on my car and would rather spend more for quality. Having said that I went with a cheap alternative and I was amazed and the results of these tires. I have put 20k kms on these tires and these are some things to note: - They are extremely quiet - Handle deep snow, slush and water extremely well - Handle higher speeds in all conditions extremely well (+175 kmh) The only con I can think about, is when I first got them they had so much tread that when I was driving the car felt "wavy" but I think that is part of the game when you throw on snow tires as they are made with a softer material that is more flexible in the winter. I'm a satisfied customer with these tires on my performance car, and honestly if Sailun wants to send me a set I would gladly accept! Jokes aside, I'll be purchasing another set for next season.

Anthony 12-01-2018

I did some research before buying these tires.....I can honestly say you get AWESOME tires for great pricing compared to those other famous brands..... I've had blizzaks, Goodyear UltraGrip and Micheline Alpines.... These Sailun tires can hold their own against those brands..... Worth every penny! I highly recommend them and will buy this brand for my next car. Had them now for 2 typical Montreal, Que Winters (Ice, Snow, Slush) and they handled extremely well.




Manufacturier Sailun
Cloutable non
Saison Hiver



Avis client Ajouter un avis

Sylvain L 29-11-2024

Un pneu surprenant au niveau de ses performances sur neige et la glace. Un excellent rapport qualité/prix. Les moins, très très bruyant et à plus de 110km/h il y a une vibration provenant des pneus.

Véhicule : Kia Forte 2024 EX | KM Parcouru : 3000 | Style de conduite : Facile | Condition de conduite : Ccmbinaison autoroute et route de ville

PETER CHANG 15-11-2021

i've had 2 sets of the Sailun WSL2 tires. 1st on a 2006 Jetta TDI, then on a 2015 Golf TDI. They both are the same tire size. Each set was used for about 30-40K km of winter driving before being replaced. Never went off the road, got stuck, or hit anything while driving with theses tires... Sure, I had a few pucker moments, but I was probably overdriving the conditions. They are a good tire for a good price. My current set has ~32K km on them, and about 5/32" tread left. I will likely look to replace them sometime this winter if I notice I am slipping more than I am comfortable with. If the current set makes it to the spring, I will likely just run them in the spring until the tread is done. I will likely buy them again in 2021 unless something comparable/cheaper catches my eye.

Véhicule : Volkswagen Golf 2015 Comfortline TDI | KM Parcouru : 64 | Style de conduite : Moyenne | Condition de conduite : Autoroute surtout

Aswin 08-04-2021

Similar to the other comments, I was originally super skeptical cause of the price of these tires. Got me thinking it may not be a set of Michelin's or Goodyears. I love winter driving and pushing my car to the limit I have a 2013 Civic Si. Man I did not expect these to be as good as they were for the price. In the dry they corner so well, and in the snow they're holding on to the traction. Unless I wanted to lose traction I never did otherwise. Lesson learned don't judge a tire from its price.

Véhicule : Honda Civic 2013 Si | Style de conduite : Fouguese | Condition de conduite : Ccmbinaison autoroute et route de ville

Sandeep Masuta 17-01-2018

I have an 09 M3, and was skeptical when I saw these for $450ish on this website. Did some research on the company and youtube review and decided to bite the bullet. Let me just go out there and say, I'm a huge car enthusiast and attend track events through the year, and I'm also extremely selective on parts that I put on my car and would rather spend more for quality. Having said that I went with a cheap alternative and I was amazed and the results of these tires. I have put 20k kms on these tires and these are some things to note: - They are extremely quiet - Handle deep snow, slush and water extremely well - Handle higher speeds in all conditions extremely well (+175 kmh) The only con I can think about, is when I first got them they had so much tread that when I was driving the car felt "wavy" but I think that is part of the game when you throw on snow tires as they are made with a softer material that is more flexible in the winter. I'm a satisfied customer with these tires on my performance car, and honestly if Sailun wants to send me a set I would gladly accept! Jokes aside, I'll be purchasing another set for next season.

Anthony 12-01-2018

I did some research before buying these tires.....I can honestly say you get AWESOME tires for great pricing compared to those other famous brands..... I've had blizzaks, Goodyear UltraGrip and Micheline Alpines.... These Sailun tires can hold their own against those brands..... Worth every penny! I highly recommend them and will buy this brand for my next car. Had them now for 2 typical Montreal, Que Winters (Ice, Snow, Slush) and they handled extremely well.