⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
À partir de 3096$
P-a 10-04-2024
Excellent qualité prix
Mathieu angius 19-06-2022
195 65 15 sur un Civic 2013 Sur l’autoroute les pneus sont vraiment pas bon , ma voiture tangue comme une chaloupe Bon pneu en ville sinon idéale pour quelqu’un qui fait de la route en ville
André Lachance 30-03-2022
Très bon pneu parcouru les routes pendant 5 années avec les mêmes pneus
Cedric Smith 16-11-2020
Super pneu pour le prix. Durable et silencieux Tenue de route impressionnante. C'est ma 3e voiture avec ce type de pneu !!
El Diablo 02-06-2020
Bons pneus pour le prix. -100$ chacun. Ma voiture n'est ni performante ni de luxe. Mais je constate une bonne diference avec mes anciens pneus (bcp plus $$$) et un bel agrément de conduite. Excellent services par Pneus A Rabais. Merci!
Omer Humayun 21-04-2017
I bought these 2 seasons ago (2015) as I was on a limited budget despite the reviews. In the dry they were good. I even did a couple of autocross events, and could feel how they were at the limit of grip. In the wet, they were horrible. I had to drive quite gently, and had to remind myself that these are a SUMMER TIRE and not an ALL SEASON TIRE. Naturally, they won't be that great in the wet. However, it made me more aware of what the car was doing in various conditions. Now with some mileage on them, they seem to have gotten better in the wet - today was pouring rain, and I decided to push the car more than I did when the tires were new. They seem to grip better. Now, it's important to note that when the tires were new, my suspension was on it's way out. Now with new suspension components, and new-ish tires, everything seems better than before. Would I buy these again? Probably not, unless I absolutely needed new tires, and the budget was tight. One thing is certain with these tires: it makes you aware of how road conditions should affect your driving habits, and why so many idiots end up in the ditch when the weather turns nasty.
Manufacturier | Maxtrek |
Cloutable | non |
Saison | Été/4 saisons |
P-a 10-04-2024
Excellent qualité prix
Mathieu angius 19-06-2022
195 65 15 sur un Civic 2013 Sur l’autoroute les pneus sont vraiment pas bon , ma voiture tangue comme une chaloupe Bon pneu en ville sinon idéale pour quelqu’un qui fait de la route en ville
André Lachance 30-03-2022
Très bon pneu parcouru les routes pendant 5 années avec les mêmes pneus
Cedric Smith 16-11-2020
Super pneu pour le prix. Durable et silencieux Tenue de route impressionnante. C'est ma 3e voiture avec ce type de pneu !!
El Diablo 02-06-2020
Bons pneus pour le prix. -100$ chacun. Ma voiture n'est ni performante ni de luxe. Mais je constate une bonne diference avec mes anciens pneus (bcp plus $$$) et un bel agrément de conduite. Excellent services par Pneus A Rabais. Merci!
Omer Humayun 21-04-2017
I bought these 2 seasons ago (2015) as I was on a limited budget despite the reviews. In the dry they were good. I even did a couple of autocross events, and could feel how they were at the limit of grip. In the wet, they were horrible. I had to drive quite gently, and had to remind myself that these are a SUMMER TIRE and not an ALL SEASON TIRE. Naturally, they won't be that great in the wet. However, it made me more aware of what the car was doing in various conditions. Now with some mileage on them, they seem to have gotten better in the wet - today was pouring rain, and I decided to push the car more than I did when the tires were new. They seem to grip better. Now, it's important to note that when the tires were new, my suspension was on it's way out. Now with new suspension components, and new-ish tires, everything seems better than before. Would I buy these again? Probably not, unless I absolutely needed new tires, and the budget was tight. One thing is certain with these tires: it makes you aware of how road conditions should affect your driving habits, and why so many idiots end up in the ditch when the weather turns nasty.