⛅ C'est le printemps ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*

⛅ C'est le printemps ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*


À partir de 23900$

  • Deuxième génération
  • Excellente performance sur chaussée sèche, au même niveau qu'un pneu d'été.
  • Performance supérieure l'hiver, assurant une excellente adhérence sur les routes enneigées.
  • Deuxième génération
  • Excellente performance sur chaussée sèche, au même niveau qu'un pneu d'été.
  • Performance supérieure l'hiver, assurant une excellente adhérence sur les routes enneigées.
Vous serez prêt à affronter toutes les conditions météorologiques avec le tout nouveau pneu 4 saisons homologué hiver Michelin CrossClimate2 CUV. Le composé de sa gomme à base de silice est spécialement conçu afin de vous offrir une grande manœuvrabilité et une adhérence accrue, été comme hiver. Les profondes lamelles 3D assurent une adhérence durable, autant sur la chaussée mouillée, qu'enneigée. La rigidité du dessin de la semelle optimise la durabilité du pneu. Les rainures émergentes préservent l'adhérence dans la neige, malgré l'usure. Le Michelin CrossClimate2 CUV vous offre un niveau élevé de performance et une sécurité supérieure, peu importe les conditions météorologiques. La bande de roulement directionnelle prononcée maximise la stabilité et la traction sur la chaussée sèche. Il saura vous procurer également une durabilité accrue, même à haute vitesse. En bref, ce Michelin saura répondre aux besoins particuliers des conducteurs à la recherche d'un excellent pneu 4 saisons homologué hiver.

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BrandonwithaB 05-03-2022

Had these mounted a couple weeks ago and immediately had to drive over the cobequid mountain pass in the middle of a snow storm. I was apprehensive at first because this is my first rodeo with 4 seasons tires but the tires really held their own. I've always been a firm believer in dedicated winter and summer tires but these have changed me. We were stuck between buying "4 seasons" tires or having to replace our all seasons and winter tires as they both wore out at the same time. We decided rather than spend about $500 per set on a lower quality tire, we would spend our money on the best set of "4 seasons" tires we could find. After extensive reading and watching videos we settled on this tire. I can honestly say these will serve us just fine during our Nova Scotia winters that see snow, melt, freeze, and repeat. The biggest thing I noticed was changing lanes with the slush build up in the middle of the road. You no longer feel like you become disconnected from the road, the tires evacuate the slush and stay connected giving you a very confident feeling. If you're on the fence and don't have a budget for two sets of good quality tires, this is a great option.

Véhicule : Kia Sportage 2018 LX | KM Parcouru : 1000 | Style de conduite : Moyenne | Condition de conduite : Ccmbinaison autoroute et route de ville




Manufacturier Michelin
Cloutable non
Saison 4 saisons



Avis client Ajouter un avis

BrandonwithaB 05-03-2022

Had these mounted a couple weeks ago and immediately had to drive over the cobequid mountain pass in the middle of a snow storm. I was apprehensive at first because this is my first rodeo with 4 seasons tires but the tires really held their own. I've always been a firm believer in dedicated winter and summer tires but these have changed me. We were stuck between buying "4 seasons" tires or having to replace our all seasons and winter tires as they both wore out at the same time. We decided rather than spend about $500 per set on a lower quality tire, we would spend our money on the best set of "4 seasons" tires we could find. After extensive reading and watching videos we settled on this tire. I can honestly say these will serve us just fine during our Nova Scotia winters that see snow, melt, freeze, and repeat. The biggest thing I noticed was changing lanes with the slush build up in the middle of the road. You no longer feel like you become disconnected from the road, the tires evacuate the slush and stay connected giving you a very confident feeling. If you're on the fence and don't have a budget for two sets of good quality tires, this is a great option.

Véhicule : Kia Sportage 2018 LX | KM Parcouru : 1000 | Style de conduite : Moyenne | Condition de conduite : Ccmbinaison autoroute et route de ville