⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
⛅ Achetez tôt ➡ Économisez 10% à l'achat de 4 produits sélectionnés de 500$+tx et plus, voir détails*
À partir de 12736$
Chris Carmichael 26-02-2020
Great on ice and snow, deep snow is a little tricky, but these do the trick for my X5 Diesel. Love them.
Fernanda Morim 11-11-2019
We have these tires just to try on BMW X5 diesel and I must say I now question why we spend so much money on name brand tires. I have had all premium brands in the past but from now on I will get Chinese tires and save money.
Warren 10-12-2017
I have these on my Audi S5 and so far they fit the bill. Not so good on deep snow but after all they are ice tires. On the ice is where the tires shine, very little slip and great control.
Manufacturier | Rotalla |
Cloutable | non |
Saison | Hiver |
Chris Carmichael 26-02-2020
Great on ice and snow, deep snow is a little tricky, but these do the trick for my X5 Diesel. Love them.
Fernanda Morim 11-11-2019
We have these tires just to try on BMW X5 diesel and I must say I now question why we spend so much money on name brand tires. I have had all premium brands in the past but from now on I will get Chinese tires and save money.
Warren 10-12-2017
I have these on my Audi S5 and so far they fit the bill. Not so good on deep snow but after all they are ice tires. On the ice is where the tires shine, very little slip and great control.